Saturday, February 1, 2014

My 2013 Yearly Wrap

My motto for 2013 - "Just keep swimming" - c/o "Finding Nemo"
Am I the only one who was not ready for 2014? This was the first time that the start of a new year did not excite me. My mind was just preoccupied with I-don't-even-know-what. Now that we're into the second month of 2014, I'm finally beginning to reflect on the previous year. I hadn't realized how much I achieved and what amazing experiences I came across in 2013 until now. So, here's a glimpse into my 2013 reflection for those interested in reading.

In January, I traveled to one of the most livest cities in the countries. "Sin city," baby! My cousins, some friends, and I spent a few days in Las Vegas, Nevada to celebrate my older cousin's birthday. We had the most fun to kick off 2013! Needless to say, "what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas."

Las Vegas, January 2013

In February, I finally got around to starting this blog, In Tune with Ms. be continued.

Brandy concert at the TLA in Philly, March 1, 2013

After years of Moesha reruns, Never Say Never repeats, and meeting Brandy during the summer of 2012, I was finally able to see the singer perform live to start off my March. As expected, she tore the house down and sang her tail off!

Brandy and Latifah Waddy at WDAS-FM in Philly, July 2012

Just a mere 5 days later, a little bundle of joy was added to my life. My niece, Tamia, was born March 6th! She shares her birth month with her Aunt Tifah! Speaking of celebrating a birth, my 23rd birthday was the most fun I had on my birthday in a while.

Tamia Messiah Waddy, a few days old, born March 6, 2013

Robert, Mickey, Patty Jackson, and Latifah Waddy, Disney Resort Showcase, April 2013
I headed to Disney World and New York in April. I went to work with my mentor, the legendary Patty Jackson of WDAS-FM, in Disney for the annual Resort Showcase. New York was a carefree day trip mostly spent at the Wax Museum with my cousin.

New York, April 2013

Latifah Waddy and India Arie, Philly, June 2013

Fast forward to June; it was a HUGE month for me! First off, I witnessed India Arie sing live in the WDAS-FM radio studio. It was one of those outer body, surreal moments. It was as if I were standing next to my body, watching myself watch India sing. It literally sent chills through my body to hear the depth of soul in her voice less than 5 feet away from me. I thought I was blessed to have just experienced that moment. Watch her perform Complicated Melody below.

THEN (also in June) ...

Dime found on the cab floor, Los Angeles, June 2013
I was invited to fly to Los Angeles, California to work with Power99Philly's Cappuchino. Not only did I get to go to a city I've always wanted to visit, but I had the chance to work at the BET Awards Radio Remote and attend the live awards show. To be surrounded by so much talent in a breathtaking city was unbelievable! When I was first asked to work with Cappuchino out in LA, of course I was ecstatic, until...I found out that I would miss my family's annual celebratory event of my late Mom Mom's life. After much consideration and discussion with several family members, they encouraged me to not think about it as missing her event, but doing something she would be proud of. I know my Mom Mom was up there in heaven bragging to all the angels what her granddaughter was doing. She loved to brag to her Bingo friends about the accomplishments of her grandchildren when she was here on Earth with us. I was a little more at ease with my decision to accept the job opportunity. On the morning of my Mom Mom's event, I was headed out in an LA cab. I looked down to watch my footing as I got out of the cab and what did I find right there on the floor of the cab? A dime! Yes, a dime.
Altamese Waddy, Senior Day at Church

This dime was not just a mere luck at finding 10 cents. It's been said that finding dimes have a spiritual meaning of a loved one from heaven sending you a message. The day that my Mom Mom passed away from lung cancer in her bedroom, I found a dime next to her dresser on the floor. So on that late June morning in LA, when I found that dime on the floor of the cab, I knew my Mom Mom was reaching out to let me know it was alright that I was missing her event with our family. It was meant for me to be there in LA for the BET Awards and the Radio Remote. I love my Mom Mom; may she rest peacefully.

Toward the middle of summer I attended a stage production of August Wilson's Fences in downtown Philly. Radio personality and budding actress Tiffany Bacon played the lead female character, Rose, alongside the producer and director Kash Goins, who played the lead male, Troy. A little side note, it was ironic that I played Rose for my acting final scene during my senior year in college. Moreover, I was surprised and elated that everyone I invited to attend to play actually enjoyed it. You know how hard it can be to get some folks to try something new, haha.

"Fences," Philly, July 2013

I tried more new things in August to enrich 2 of my loves - music and film. I attended the Made in America Music Festival as well as The BlackStar Film Festival. While Made in America was extremely fun, the film festival was an enriching couple of days. The festival opened my eyes into the current state of black independent film. I even had the opportunity to meet and speak with legendary filmmaker Spike Lee.

Little league cheerleading began in August and I decided to coach! Not only was this new experience rewarding as a coach, but as an aunt as well. Seeing my niece's skills and enjoyment for the sport grow as the season went on just warmed my heart. Additionally, my other niece, who was just a year too young to be on the team, hung around practices and picked up A LOT of different skills on her own. The season ended in December and since then they've both been practicing all of their cheer skills on their own. I think they've officially caught the cheer bug!

Aside from that competition, another proud moment came to me in 2013 when my cousin and best friend became a correctional officer in September! She had been searching for a steady well-to-do job for a while now, and she finally made a break. I'm still so proud of and happy for her!

October was yet another defining moment in 2013 for me. Not only did I get to work at Power99's Powerhouse concert for the second year in a row, but I also attended and worked at B.E.T.'s Black Girls Rock! event with Power99's Cappuchino. Moreover, after keeping in contact with everyone from my internship program, I was finally offered a position with Clear Channel Media and Entertainment - and of course I accepted it! My motto for the year has been "just keep swimming." Just take life one day at a time and even if you feel like you're about to drown, keep swimming; keep on keeping on. It paid off. Literally! Check out Part 1 & Part 2 of our Black Girls Rock! experience.

What happened in November, I never could have imagined. I was invited to attend a ceremony honoring THE Berry Gordy. The music mogul received the Marian Anderson Award here in Philadelphia for his influential contribution to music. The evening was filled with performances and attendance from Smokey Robinson, Boyz II Men, and Kool & the Gang. To be in their presence was awe-inspiring.

By December, I thought my year of exciting events was over.  However, I was soon asked to work backstage at Q102's Jingleball Concert for the second year in a row. THEN on Christmas, my brother surprised our family by proposing to his girlfriend.

...and she said YES! What a great way to wrap up my year with family!

As we begin the second month of 2014, I've been trying to find my new motto for the year. I've been struggling throughout all last month, but I think I finally have it: "Don't ever let somebody tell you... You can't do something. Not even me. All right? You got a dream... You gotta protect it. People can't do somethin' themselves, they wanna tell you you can't do it. If you want somethin', go get it. Period." - The Pursuit of Happyness

The Pursuit of Happyness

Here's to another spectacular year! I'm going to keep swimming and go get it.


  1. Tifah, I am beyond proud of the woman you have become. Watching you grow has been very exciting and I always look forward to seeing so much of your success. When I look at Cianni, I see a lot of you in her. The drive, the motivation and determination. I look at her and I see so much of you and it makes me proud to know you and be able to say that I coached you. Keep up the great work. You are no where near finished with your success.

    1. Aww thanks so much Soraya; you have no idea how much those words mean to me :)
